Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hump Day

Ah, so it's Wednesday....the infamous Hump Day

I felt like total $h*t this morning, but after lunch I felt somewhat better, but I have been quarantined on my side of the office! ha ha

American Idol cuts are tonight. I think that Paige needs to go. I feel like she is just getting progressively worse, not better. I thought that the only people whoe are good are Crystal and the *3rd grader* haha I don't even watch Big Mike anymore b/c it's like all he sings is ballads/love songs and it's BORING.

I find Ellen very funny and Kara just gets on my nerves :P

Oh, side note, don't buy the Brita filtered faucet majig, it's worthless, I am bringing it back and getting just a filtered pitcher.

"Music is everywhere not just in melodies; music can be heard in the singing of birds, or the loving babble talk of little babies." Byron Pulsifer